Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kumasi Post Office Run

Thanks to leaving my back on the STC bus and my friends Robin, Aubry, Ellen, Tracy, Matt, Kevin, Danny, Jeannette, Genna, and Sean sending me a package- I had to travel to Kumasi on Tuesday.
This was some of the stuff in the package!

The most excited thing of the day was the great package (don’t worry grandma (yoga book), Linda and dad (meds and People magazines) and Frieda (homemade tea) your packages were amazing as well and I didn't have to travel two hours to get yours :-)), but the second most exciting thing of the day was finding a vegetarian stand with porch seating right next door to the post office! Since I can’t really eat and travel I got my food to go and headed back to Kumasi with a box filled with wrapped gifts- how fun!

So went I got home I ate my delicious vegetarian meal of joloff rice and something “meaty” that was very wheat gluten-esk. It was so yummy and cheap. Only 1 cedi 50 peswas. It made me forget that I left ten cedis worth of food on the STC two nights before.

1 comment:

ellena said...

i'm so glad it got there! and i appreciate the picture you're holding of us holding pictures, nice touch.