I sat for three hours waiting. While sitting I saw a white girl about my age walk by, which isn't something you see often in Agogo. I introduced myself. Her name is Gemma and she is from the UK. She was spending two weeks in Agogo working at the hospital, but she is living in a village outside of Kumasi for the next few months. She was very friendly and told me that I could walk on my foot and that nothing was wrong....great- I felt really silly for freaking out. After meeting Gemma and met Jope and Floris from Holland. They are working at the hospital until June 23rd. So even though I felt silly thinking my foot was broken I was happy to make some new friends. Below is the crew (Gemma, myself, Floris, and Jope) eating dinner at my house the following Friday.
Tuesday though I broke my left foot by stepping funny
Wednesday foot felt much better
Thursday I waved to a friend and stepped on a rock and hurt my right foot---IN THE SAME PLACE! This time I just iced it and took some Advil. My right foot hurt for a week.
Well more pictures with the new friends: Below Betsy and Gemma show off our favorite dinner- French Toast (or cinnamon toast for me).
Below is the last dinner we the crew which was two days before we left Agogo for good. It was fun..wish we had met them earlier!
More pictures to come of my new friend Gemma, because she came to Accra before I left (June16). I am now back in the US...but I will write more about my adventures prior to my arrival state side!
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