Saturday, March 14, 2009

Send-Off Service for Mrs. Grace Ofosuhemaa Odjidia

When I first met my principal, Ma or Mrs. Grace Pfosuhemaa Odjidia, she told me she had retired the previous year. However, no one was found to replace her. So as soon as her replacement was found she would be leaving Agogo. In December she told me she would be leaving in February. Luckily I got an extra few weeks with her. On Sunday, March 8th the Agogo Presbyterian Church held a Send-Off Service for her. Betsy and I walked to church with Gloria, Emmanuel, and Rama.

Rama is Ma’s niece that always comes when she has college breaks from her teacher training college in Kumasi. This past visit we traded books. She read the first three Twilight books and we discussed them. Now I am reading two of her book The Judas Touch and The Kite Runner. She reads so much faster than I and is so excited about good books. It has been really fun hanging out with her over the past three weeks.

When we headed to church the service started right on time at 9:30am. We saw many coworkers and community members. Agogo's chief showed up as well.

It was a nice program. We left church at 1:30pm and then headed to the dining hall on campus for the presentation of gifts. People brought their gifts to Ma and then said a few words at the microphone. We were also served water, minerals (soda), and fried rice. I gave my rice to a friend since it wasn’t vegan…but it looked good.

We got home around 5:00pm and I made myself dinner…fried rice. How fitting.

Ma just left campus yesterday, Thursday March12. Not only did she leave, but Josephine (my Twi teacher/cooking teacher/friend) too. I am going to miss them both I so much. But I am planning to see them in Accra soon.

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